Pursuing Happiness– What is your happiest moment

In today’s age people who are in bad situations have that one little event that makes them truly happy. It could be a job promotion, a raise, or a job acceptance. I have had many moments like this if it’s from winning money or getting a new friend etc. I’ve had many experience of true happiness and I think I figured out what happiness is to me.

I think happiness to me is the feeling of accomplishment like when you finish an essay or finish drawing a master piece. When you feel warm inside and feel so good you can’t help but smile and keep it like that for the whole day. I love being happy and always try to stay positive, to show that nothing anyone can do will bring me down. People seem sad and I try to bring a smile to their face, because I can’t help it if I see someone down I would have to cheer them up. It makes me feel happy knowing that they’re happy.

Would you try to make someone happy if they were feeling down? When I ask people how there day was they just say good and I feel bad, because how many of their days are just good. My days are either good, great, amazing, or fast, I like to see things on their positive side and it makes everything better than it is. My bad days, they suck, but there is always tomorrow to look forward to. Besides, you can’t be grateful for the happy times, unless you’ve experience the sad times.

By: Sean B.

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