Glory….Pride, Dignity and Solidarity – Always Have Pride in Yourself…No Matter What

How can teenagers stand up for what they belive in? Teenagers are often overlooked because we are “too young” or “we don’t know what we are talking about.” One thing I hate being told is I’m too young to understand something or I won’t understand a topic. This makes us feel like we don’t have a say in this country’s future. But our generation is starting to use its voice to express its self, which is amazing.

There are many ways teenagers can stand up for what we believe in. One way is that we can go to local protests. Another way is we can start a club at our school to express our opinions. People often overlook pride, which is not ok because pride is a very important thing.  Pride is an amazing feeling. It is indescribable.

So next time you either feel like your opinion is invalid or that your “too young” to talk about a certain subject, just know that your not. Being “too young” shouldn’t be a thing. You can’t be too young to express your self. Just as long as you do it in a peaceful manner. Your beliefs are what shape the future.

-Layla D

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