Glory…Pride, Dignity and Solidarity-Stay True to Yourself

Throughout life, there will be moments that make you feel good about yourself and make you feel bad about yourself. From now on, make sure every moment makes you feel great about yourself. Sometimes, making someone else feel better about themselves, makes you feel even better. Even if the situation is an awkward and uncomfortable place for you, try to get the best outcome out of it. Think of it this way; if you are struggling and someone helps you out of the situation, doesn’t that make you feel great about yourself? The person that helped you probably felt the same way that they were able to help someone in their life.

Making a statement against someone or something is always difficult to do. In life, bullying is an awful thing that happens to most people. Sometimes, when I see bullying, I hesitate to go up to the bully or bullies and tell them to leave the kid. But, when someone is being bullied, think about being in the kid’s shoes that are being bullied. That person is feeling the worst they have ever had in their life and wished someone could protect them. When this happens and I think about it, I always try to end the situation of the bullying. By doing this, I can feel the feeling that I have done something beneficial to someone’s life and it spectacularly affected me.

When people are upset or feeling not well, they go to someone or to someplace where they feel the most comfortable. For me, this place would be school. In my school, I feel the best I ever had each day. If someone takes away that place of comfort for you, make a stop to it. If they want to pick on you every day at school, ignore the hate or take a stand to the person. For me, I would not want my place of comfort being taken away from me. Without the feel of comfort and safety, how can anyone feel comfortable and pleased with their life and everyone in it?

Luke E.


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