Forgiveness- Forgive, not revenge

I experienced times when people did small things to me that I’ve forgiven them for because it’s a mistake or they didn’t mean to. They’d usually apologize and I forgive them. I usually don’t consider taking revenge on someone just because a small thing like cutting in front of me or taking something of mine think it’s their’s. But if someone steals one of my things I’d consider telling a nearby adult and have them deal with them. In my opinion, revenge isn’t  healthy, let alone considering it.

The satisfaction to me could be addicting and people would want more of that feeling. That person could be obsessed with getting revenge and could potentially hurt others or ruin the lives of other people. There are also people with serious mental issues that could do much worse. And people with uncontrolled anger issues that could seriously harm someone or worse. That’s why I think it’s more mentally healthy to forgive and let go.

You won’t be happy if you don’t let go of anger at the person who did you wrong. You could get back at them calmly and adultly or just try and forgive them. Even if you don’t want to, try to forgive them. Don’t forgive them for doing you wrong on purpose. You can forgive them only if they apologize for what they done. Forgiving is more peaceful than revenge.

William S.

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