Life…In an Instant-Live Your Life With No Regrets

Everyday we make decisions but are the decisions things that benefit us and others or are they things that we will regret in the future and wish we could take back. In the Ted Talk we watched today Ric Elias talked about how we wait to do the things that make us happy because we think that we will be on earth forever. The truth is that life is short so we have to do what makes us the best people that we can be and do what makes us happy. If you want to do something what are you waiting for? Do it.

If you were faced with death you do not want to look back on your life and have a bunch of regrets or wish you had done something that you did not do when you had the chance. The saying YOLO, meaning “You only live once”, is used all the time but it is truer than people make it out to be.  You hear kids say it all the time but it is true, you do only live once so make the most of it and live the best life you could possibly live. We want to die in peace and with our minds at ease and look back on our lives and be happy with the decisions we made. Yes, we will make poor decisions it is normal and nobody is perfect but try and have more good than bad.

Do not take your life for granted and live it to the fullest potential possible. Being happy feels good and when you are happy you have the opportunity to make others feel the same and it creates a good lifestyle. We do not know what God’s plan for us is, you never know when your last day on this earth is or when it is someone else’s so hug the people you love and tell them you love them, be happy and make others feel the same. Do not live with regrets life your best life.

Gabrielle A

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