The Power of Words….It All Matters

There is so much meaning into every word you say. People don’t usually notice how their words can affect people. Even when you are joking, sometimes people might take it serious and you will have to apologize to them for the way you made them feel. Arguments are usually what make people use harsh words. You don’t notice how you have hurt someone until after the argument and usually the damage is already done.

A Lot of the time people’s words get misconstrued and people will take it the wrong. It has happened to all of us. Everyone has had a time when they said something and the person took it they wrong way. Something I will say though is that words in person will mean way more to a person then if it was over a screen. It does’t matter weather the worst are hurtful or nice they mean more in person than online.

People often underestimate the power of words. Words can make you cry, they can make you laugh they can make you happy or sad. Words go a long way and people really do underestimate the power of words. I feel like everyone should think before they speak. Because the end of the day people will judge you on how you made them feel and the only way to make a good first impression is by your actions and words because at the end of the day it all matters.

-Edmund W

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