The Power of Words–Be the Difference

Words mean so much than people think. They can be anything you want them to be. That’s why you want to make them good and nice things instead of bad and mean things. Words have so much power and they can really affect people forever. We need to set our selves on the path of kindness and use kind words. Hatred and cruelty is a bad path to follow, it can cause people to dislike you. It also can make people sad and irate with the words you chose to say or write.

Sometimes I have to deal with cruel people in the world. They don’t always apologize though. Apologies always make people feel better both ways. I try not the be rude to people and make them sad. I do sometimes though, so every time I do I try to apologize to make them and myself feel better.

You need to always say nice things and not mean things. You should always think before you speak. Anything could come out of your mouth and you just have to make sure they are nice things. Being the cause of someone’s pain is one of the worse feelings. Anything could make someones day better. Be the difference and make someone’s day better.

Vincenzo B.


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