Love Letters and Strangers– Letters to Strangers

 Some people are happy and some are sad. Some of the people who are sad get brushed off and ignored.  The program Hannah Brencher created prevents that from happening. By sending letters to strangers, it gives them the opportunity to be happy and feel like people care about them. The way we communicate has changed so much over the years. Normally, you would text someone to communicate with them. But since it is being written by letter, it shows that they care about you more.

 Knowing that someone cares about you is a good feeling.Taking time out of your day to write a letter to someone shows that you care. Just and attempt to put a smile on their face the next time you see someone who looks angry or looks like they’re having a poor day. The smallest thing can make large difference. Everyone should attempt to make others happy. With all the hate in the world, it is hard to find someone who cares. 

 By putting pen on paper and using your time to write a letter for someone shows that you truly mean what you say. If you were to text someone, it just shows that you are just brushing it off because you aren’t being sincere. Writing a letter is useful for when you want to show that you care. The person receiving the letter will actually know that you put time and effort into the letter to make them feel better.

Dominic T.

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