Love Letters and Strangers — A Little Bit of Love

Putting a pen to paper and writing in the words of happiness and love can make a huge difference in someones life.  Writing even the most simple message like, “Smile More” can make someones day, especially if that person is having a bad one. Forcing yourself to write words onto paper instead on typing a text or email can cause a deeper meaning. Which is through each letter you do write.

Not knowing or knowing what people are going through and still taking the time out of your day to write a thoughtful message made for only then, is guarantied to make someone feel special. Everyone has a different lifestyle and background that we all should respect, however that’s not always the cause, although we may wish.  Because of this people have changed their vision on life, and not for the better. That is why writing to someone can be so important. Knowing that you are making a positive impact, even if it’s small, on someone’s life is amazing and should be done more often.

You don’t always have to take things to the highest extent, after all the little things do matter the most. The inspiration presented in the video has allowed so many people who want to help change lives around the world able too. Take for instance, tomorrow I’m planning on leaving a note on my friends locker stating, “Try you best and you will succeed in your own way.” The reason is because I know she has a test that she has been stressing about. My goal is to give her more confidence and a positive attitude while she takes it. Each and every day people are changing the world for the better by spreading a little bit of love.

Caitlin H.

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