Love Letters and Strangers — The Simplest Gesture

Have you ever had that bad kinda day? You know like when you just want to stay in bed but the  world outside is working and functioning and you are not.  It is as if any problem that you are facing is never going to go away. I’m sure you have, we all have! It’s what you choose to do with it and the network around you that can change your feelings in a blink of an eye.

The simplest gesture is to let people know you care. It can be in a look or in a word just simply any way that you choose to connect with someone who is just having one of those bad days. It’s not something to over think it’s simple, really, just care. Think about it, a sticky note with a smiley face or a single word marked by your pen can transfix someones mindset from the center of darkness to the ray of light.

It could actually be you who is having the bad day, the “light shiner” but by taking the extra moment to show someone you care, could reverse your inner sadness to match your outer light.  A smile is easy, you were blessed with it at birth, use it to make the difference.  Move your lips in an upward direction and let go, try it, I bet it looks good on you!

You just never know how you are going to impact somebody.  Take the time out of you day to make a difference in the simplest way possible. You never want to assume that your smile doesn’t matter to that person . One simple smile or even a simple word can change someones whole day and make it for the better.

Madison G


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