Daily Archives: October 8, 2019

Get in the Game….Save the Shoes-“Paying it Forward”

I believe that people in today’s society need to show more acts of kindness. We need to start caring more about the welfare of others. When a person shows kindness and caring towards others, they will feel good about themselves. Doing something for someone else could change that person’s whole day and attitude. Without knowing … Continue reading Get in the Game….Save the Shoes-“Paying it Forward”

Get in the Game…Save the Shoes-Kindness Matters, Big or Small

Sometimes people think that they don’t have to do small acts of kindness because it won’t affect anything, when really you don’t know what kind of day someone is having or what is going on in their life. Sometimes a simple smile or holding a door for someone can make their day. There are some … Continue reading Get in the Game…Save the Shoes-Kindness Matters, Big or Small