Get in the Game…Save the Shoes-Kindness Matters, Big or Small

Sometimes people think that they don’t have to do small acts of kindness because it won’t affect anything, when really you don’t know what kind of day someone is having or what is going on in their life. Sometimes a simple smile or holding a door for someone can make their day. There are some people that need that kind of genuine kindness, not the kind you do to get something out of it, the kind that you do without thinking to actually help someone and to make them smile. Everyone likes it when someone holds the door for them or just smiles so give what you can give even if it isn’t a lot, it can mean a lot.

Everyday we should try to be the best person we can possibly be. Talk to someone that maybe seems like they are struggling with friends or isn’t having the best day. Hold the door for someone before you walk into school or into a store. We don’t have to just be nice to someone when people are around to see, we should be nice to people to make them happy. When you make other people smile it makes you feel good inside. If you are doing it for the right reasons it will make you feel so

Kindness, integrity, and acts of grace are strong words, so imagine if you acted on them how much it can affect a person. Today very rarely there are people that act kind for no reason so it is so important for us to be kind because hopefully it will make others want to spread kindness as well. Being nice is not a hard thing to do so just do it, it takes nothing to ask someone how their day is or say hello. If you want to be the best version of yourself that is possible it starts with being kind and spreading it everywhere you go. You will be surprised when you see the difference it can make on the person and on yourself.

Gabrielle A.

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