If You Build It, He Will Come– Leap into Destiny!

Listening to my heart has always been my thing often times I put more heart than the logical sense into the task. I let my emotions cloud my thinking and that is when I start to overthink and doubt whether this is the way for me. I personally try to not let that get to me because I have faith that God will lead me the right way! It is not always going to be easy, but I am the type of person who loves to overcome obstacles. Going through those challenges, and allowing my faith to take over is a  great way to live, yet it could turn into a worse before it gets the better type of situation.

The possibilities are endless when you put all your faith in God. I remember a time when something told my grandmother to sell her house, and then the church so happened to give her a brand new big house with the deed and all. She said, “this is what happens when you put all your faith in God, He will provide and lead the way.” She is the best example when it comes to things like this. She helped me gain more faith, and she allows me to see the truth.

My grandmother is my idol, I would love to be like her someday. It is like she has a genuine connection with God, her faith,  and her heart it’s all just one big relationship. In order to get the life you want and deserve all you have to do is put your full trust into God.  Putting trust into God is basically like following your heart, having full confidence in yourself! All I can say is I am ready to blindly take a leap into my lord and saviors’ hands.


Yamirah N.

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