Pursuing Happiness-Do what makes you happy

I think everyone has their own different point of view of being happy and what makes them happy and what not. To me what makes me is being able to be there for my family every single day and being there for my mother & younger siblings. What happiness means to me is being able to wake up everyday and still being able to breath because at any giving moment god could take you out as fast as he brought you into this world and I’m just glad that I’m still here with my love ones and my family because not everyone get to wake up every morning.

Sometimes I would be in a grumpy or mad mood because of something that might’ve happened at school but regardless of how angry or upset I am I will never go home and and ruin everyone else’s good or happy mood. The reason I wouldn’t do that is because when my family is happy I am too and once I see that I start to forget the bad thing that might’ve happened that day and start being happy or get in a good mood again. I don’t think people always have perfect days because nobody is perfect. People should just tell someone what’s bothering them instead of pretending to be happy because then it builds up to more & more anger than next thing you know you can’t control yourself. If I’m in a bad mood or if I’m upset and I notice that I can’t get over it I would call my friend and ask him what I should or is it that serious. Sometimes I would talk to my mom & dad and ask them for advice if necessary.

No matter what you think of yourself you will have bad days. That does not define you though! I even have many setbacks and I proceed to push through the opsticals In my life because I know that’s not what only my family would want but I know god wants me to push through them as well. As I said earlier even if you are upset about something you should just sit and thank god that you woke up this morning and that you are still breathing because there are many people that are not. So with that being said just cherish every single moment you have and do what ever makes you happy not him or her because at the end of the day it’s your life! That is exactly what I do to continue to pursue my happiness.

Michael J.

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