12 Lemons- Own up to your mistakes

Everyone at one point in your life has not taken responsibility. I have definitely have done this a lot. If I made a mistake maybe in school, or at home. I sometimes blame it on the other person. like it was their fault, but in the end it wasn’t. I end up feeling awful when I do. It makes me feel guilty, you’re blaming someone else for your actions.

Yes maybe sometimes it can be others faults but when it isn’t. I take responsibility for my actions. Everyone makes mistakes in life, I for one need to do less blaming on others. And do a reality check on myself, is it the right thing to do. Do I blame someone for MY own actions?

Since I’ve gotten older, I have became more mature and aware of my actions. I know what is right from wrong. Yes I’m human and I make mistakes, but I need to own up to mine. It isn’t fair when I blame people for my actions. In the video clip that I watched in class. When Gary wasn’t owning up to his actions, or mistakes. I thought that was very arrogant and selfish. I couldn’t imagine how Brooke felt. Like it was her fault; I now know how others feel in this type of situation. From now on I hope to own up to my actions and don’t blame them on others.

Sophia B.

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