12 Lemons – Step Up!

Why do so many people refuse to show personal responsibility for their actions or their lack of action? I myself believe that people refuse to show responsibility for their actions because they might be embarrassed or ashamed of what they have done and do not want to own up to it. How will you improve taking responsibility for your actions, lack of action, and your words?  I will improve taking responsibility for my actions by thinking before I decide to do something. Stepping up and owning your responsibility is a big part of growing up.

What changes will you make in your life to better “own” your mistakes or misdeeds and take responsibility for them? The changes I will make is not lying about something I did and thinking about the consenquences of owning my mistakes. Owning your responsibility’s should not be difficult but should change some of your actions based on your honesty when it comes down to owning up to be responsible

Taking responsibility for what you did could get you in or out of good or bad situations. Taking responsibility isn’t something I do a lot and I am starting to see that which is causing me to change the way I see things and the way I act. Little by little I am starting to own up to the things that I do good or bad. Everyone has that one changing point in their life when they start to take responsibility and owning up to what they did , it may take longer for some than others but everyone will soon reach that point in their life.

-Dayonna L

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