12 Lemons–Actions Speak Louder than Words

If you did something wrong and you know you did something wrong, what do you do? Do you own up to what you did or try to do anything possible to get around it? We all have done both. If I do something wrong and know my mom is going to find out and be mad I will either own up to it right then and there or I will try to make an excuse but in the long run, she finds out anyway. Then in the case that I make excuses, I get in more trouble for not just being honest in the first place.

We should all own up to our mistakes and take responsibility for them. It is not an easy thing to do especially if you think the outcome of being honest will be bad. I myself have to work on it, as does everyone. It is normal to find it difficult to own up to what you do sometimes but it is the right thing to do.

I find it worse to not just own up to it initially, even though I do not always do it. After not taking responsibility for your mistake in the first place it can just cause more problems than there was before. Maybe the outcome if you just owned up to it, in the beginning, would not be as bad as it after you didn’t. That is why I think it is very important to just take full responsibility and own up to your mistakes in the very beginning, even though it is a difficult thing to do.

Gabrielle A.

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