Forgiveness- Forgive the past

Everyone has made a mistake that they wish they could take back. It’s hard to forgive someone but we need to learn to forgive people. When people make a mistake and feel really bad about it, it doesn’t make it better that the other person wont forgive them. Everyone should learn to forgive others I know its hard but it would make the situation better. It would make a big difference if people forgave each other.

I think that forgiveness can make life a lot easier. I try to forgive people that best I can but sometimes I let my emotions get  to me. I’ve realized that things will get better if i learn to forgive. Sometimes it’s hard to forgive people because you think “why should I forgive them for hurting me?” but when you do it feels good. You feel like all the weight is being lifted off your shoulders.

In the future if someone hurts you don’t wait to forgive them. When you forgive them that doesn’t mean you have to be friends with them again it just mean you don’t wont to have any anger towards the anymore. Trust me you will feel so much better after you forgive them. Life will be so much easier if everyone learned to forgive each other.

Luke M.


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