Can We Change the World with Kindness?– Choose Your Kindness

Kindness in a world of hate. What a concept to think of? In this world of hate, the only thing we can do is to be kind. Be kind to those who need it most. Be kind to someone you do not know. Be kind to someone who may not have anyone in their life who appreciate and value them, you can be that for someone. You can be someone who makes others feel better about themselves.

No matter how big or how small the act of kindness is I still do the act. It also doesn’t matter how old the person you are doing the act for is I still do the act to show that I care for every person on the earth equally. To others it feels great to know that there are people in the world that are kind and magnanimous and I wanted to feel the same way so I want to be the kindest I can so that people can follow and we have a lot of people being kind. And knowing that there are a lot of people out there is one of the best feelings out there because you can always count on someone out there. It also doesn’t matter if you know them or don’t because there is always someone out there that is kind no matter who it is.

I have personally made it a goal in my life to be kind to not only the people I know, but also people who I do not know. While I was in Philadelphia with my family, we were on our way to our car to head home. During the walk back, I had noticed a very cold homeless man sitting off to the side of the road. I had approached my dad to point out the man and asked my dad if we could give him some money. My father handed me 50 dollars to give to the man and I then walked over to him, handed him the money, and told him to have a nice night. He looked as if he had won the whole lottery and thanked me a million times. I said that it was no problem and continued on with my night feeling like I did the right thing.

Kon w.

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