Daily Archives: January 10, 2020

Can We Change the World with Kindness?–Change your actions with Kindness

There were many times that I have acted out of kindness by giving to people even though there would be a possibility that I would need it later, I have gave money to friends or even bought them snacks just because I felt that it would be a nice thing to do not because I … Continue reading Can We Change the World with Kindness?–Change your actions with Kindness

Can We Change the World with Kindness?/Can we make the world better with Kindness?

Most people aren’t always so kind to others and can’t even do the smallest kindness. Most people will wait until something very bad happens to them or happens in the world and then start to be kind to other people they are with. The world would be a better place if people could always show … Continue reading Can We Change the World with Kindness?/Can we make the world better with Kindness?

Can we change the world with kindness?-kindness could go a long way

Most people are only kind to their friends and the people that we know. Or where only kind to people when something astonishing or remarkable is to happen.Such as myself,I feel this way because sometimes it’s just easier that way.Or because people tend to take your kindness for weakness or for granted.It is known that … Continue reading Can we change the world with kindness?-kindness could go a long way

“Can We Change the World with Kindness?” – Kindness Matters

Random acts of kindness can make everyones day better. Holding the door for someone could put a smile on their face. Living life while spreading kindness makes you a better person. Spreading kindness makes the world a better place. The little things you do matter. Be the person that can uplift someone, and help others … Continue reading “Can We Change the World with Kindness?” – Kindness Matters

Can We Change the World with Kindness-Choose Kind and make the World a Better Place

We  don’t choose kindness it just comes wherever we feel like we can do something to help another person or animal than we will do it. Kindness is really important in my life. I want to be the nicest person I can be and if I can help someone if they need me I will … Continue reading Can We Change the World with Kindness-Choose Kind and make the World a Better Place

Can We Change the World with Kindness–Changing the World with are Kindness

In today’s age people aren’t as kind and caring as people used to be, but there are people who will go out of their way to do an act of kindness for someone they don’t even know. All over the world people will help others who are less fortunate or are going through a rough … Continue reading Can We Change the World with Kindness–Changing the World with are Kindness