Can We Change the World with Kindness?- Random acts make all the diffrence

Holding the door for someone, buying someones food, asking how someones day was, all of these are random acts of kindness that are so easy. All the time people are only kind to the people that they know when they should be kind to everyone. All of us are guilty of maybe not holding the door for someone or ignoring a homeless person. If we all did the simplest things our world would be so much better overall.

Once when my family and I were on vacation, we were in a restaurant and there was an older couple and the man seemed to have lost his wallet. My mom had seen what was happening and walked over to their table. She took their bill and payed for it. These people we hadn’t even known but my mom just decided to pay for their meal. She has always taught my brother and I that we should always be kind to anyone and everyone. She shows us all the time that the smallest things really do make the difference to people’s days.

I find myself now in my life seeing things that I could do to make the world a kinder happier place. There is an older man who always walks by my house and one night we were sitting outside with the heater on and we invited the man to warm up near the heater. We knew he was our neighbor but we had never spoken to him before. There was barely any effort on our part but something so easy and simple can change around a persons day.  We can always be kind to people whether we know them or not. So the next time you see someone who seems upset or struggling, just a simple conversation can change their day.

-Nicole P.

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