The True Meaning of Christmas–What Christmas is Really All About

When children or younger people hear they word Christmas they think about presents, Santa Claus, and no school. They do not think about the what Christmas is really all about. It is about the birth of our savior Jesus Christ. Christmas has become much more that what is actually about. In our hearts we need to remember the true meaning of Christmas. We cannot let all the other add-on’s get to us. Christmas is special but all the other things that happen before it make it not as special. We need to be the one to break that and remind everyone of the true meaning.

Christmas is not about the presents or off from school. We need to spend time with family and show them how much we love and appreciate them. It is a season of giving and not receiving. If we see elder struggling to shovel the snow or bringing in their groceries we should help them, even if it is not Christmas time you should do that. This time of year should just remind you to do that because you should be thinking about what Jesus would do if they saw someone struggling.

In this season of giving we need to remind ourselves of the true meaning of Christmas. Jesus was born to save us and we cannot forget about that. We cannot get caught up in all the other things around Christmas time. We need to spend this valuable time with family. We need to show Jesus, the true meaning of Christmas, our love and show him how thankful we are for him. Jesus is the reason for the season.

Rachel F.

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