The Danger of Silence—Speak Up

We decide to not speak up when we see something going on that we should most times then not, but is that always the best choice? Sometimes saying something is better than just sitting back and not saying anything. Tell them what they should and need to hear other than what they want to hear. Telling people what they want to hear and not what they need to can lead to worse things. If you have something to say, say it. It cannot do any harm if what you have to say is right, it will make you feel better than holding it in.

Do you always speak up when you should? It is not an easy thing to do but sometimes it is harder to keep it in and have your conscience telling you you should have said something after the fact. Speak up for what you believe in, there are so many incredible people that stood up for what they believed in to get us to how we are today. For example if Rosa Parks did not stand up for what she believed in we would have been far from how our lives are today. Same goes for Martin Luther King J.R. and so many others.

We need to start to understand that speaking up is not a bad thing. God gave us free will and intellect for a reason. We have free speech so as long as it does no harm we should be able to speak up for what we believe in and stick up for others. If there is something that needs to be said do not not say it because you are scared of what others may think. We can not live our lives worrying about what others think about our opinion or what we have to say. We have to speak up and say what we think.

Gabrielle A

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