The Danger of Silence-Your Voice is Power

Picture this; you are at recess with all of your friends and there is your one friend who likes to pick on kids. Well, walk outside and you and your friends see someone sitting alone, doing nothing. Your friend that always says what he pleases, goes to the kid and starts to make fun of him. In this situation, you did not say anything because you just want to have friends and not be the kid who turned on someone’s back. Well, you do not have to be that kid who told your friend to step; you will be remembered as the kid who stuck up for the kid who was getting bullied.

Growing up, I am certain everyone has heard the saying, “Snitches get Stitches”. When I was growing up, I knew I was afraid to snitch or talk back to someone because I did not want to be known at the snitch. Now in my life, I am not afraid to stick up for someone or myself to someone because if they want to label you, that is their choice. Speaking up for yourself is the only way the situation will end with a bully. Do not be silenced because of someone thinking you are something or might become something, because you are not.

Having a voice is a powerful thing and can be used to your advantage or someone else’s. Do not be afraid to stick up for what you believe in. Do not let someone take away the power of your voice, use it to your best capabilities. If you see someone getting picked on or being left out, be the person who sticks up for them or bring them into your group. If you are afraid of being judged for breaking the silence from the bully or getting a bad label, do not be.

Luke E.

1 thought on “The Danger of Silence-Your Voice is Power

  1. I really liked the way how you constructed your blog, with a scenario as your opener helped the reader muse on the topic and reflect upon what they would do in the situation or what they have done. The middle paragraph with your personal thoughts on the topic made the reader feel more connected to the blog post and less like it was someone talking at you but more like having a conversation with you. Towards the end when you told your audience how you overcame speaking up for yourself and others were pretty inspiring. If someone was in a situation as in the one you described in the beginning, by reading this they would feel empowered to stand up for what is right no matter what.

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