The Story Goes on Forever– A Lot of Regret

If you knew when you would die, would you live your life differently? 100% yes! If I knew when I was going to die I would live my life in a lot less regret. In my mind I would know that there was no holding back and that no-one could stop me. Whats the worst that could happen knowing you were we’re going to die. Nothing should holding us back, what is?

What does this clip make you realize about the way you are living your life? Well this post has made me feel a lot of emotions. After watching this post I have asked myself, am I living my life in regret? I feel like I hold back on a lot of things but, knowing if I was going to die I would hope to change my regrets. Why should we not hold back? Life is too short to just wait.

How can we ensure that we live a life well-lived, a life free from regrets?  “YOLO!” You only live once, how does this phrase make you feel? I think it’s a great phrase to use when you’re scared to do something or even if you don’t want to do it. The annoyance we hold in ourselves after not doing something is the worst feeling. If we use “yolo” then we might not feel this annoyance anymore. We have to just give life a go.

Natalie M

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