The Story Goes On Forever – Life isn’t fair

I could never imagine knowing when I was going to die. I wouldn’t be mentally able to handle it. There’s a lot of things we can’t handle mentally but this topic is defiantly something most people can’t handle. I wouldn’t think anyone would want to know their death date at all. But if I knew my death date I would defiantly plan something fun with my family. Whatever I choose to do it would be with my family no matter what.

If I were to plan something it would plan to either go to a sporting event or a trip. The Bahamas with my family would be great but, a Philadelphia Flyers win would be even better. But, if I knew my life was coming to an end, I wouldn’t tell anyone. Not my closest friend, not any of my family members. The only family I could tell would be my Grand-Pop he helps me with so much and is always there for anyone. People love their lives and don’t want to leave but that’s how life work.

Knowing that your life is ending isn’t fair but life is never fair at all. To have a wonderful life, spend time with your family or do something that you enjoy whether it’s a baseball game or even going to the beach. But in the end what ever happens, happens for a good reason.

Aidan C

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