The Power of Words- Think before you act

The Power of someone’s words can be so impacting. Almost everyday we use harmful words wether it’s on social media or just in conversations in general. If you use the wrong words it could really hurt someone. Most of the time we use our words online towards the people maybe that they don’t really like someone that much. But it still isn’t right to use harsh words.

Then we use hurtful words in person, like “I hate you or you’re ugly”. We need to empower others by using kind words, “words of wisdom” let’s say. You really don’t know what is going on in others lives.  So you always should be kind to others. Make them smile, write a little something on a sticky note. Because they really could be struggling with bulling, or depression.

Always. Always think before you act because you don’t know what one hurtful or wrong word can do to other’s days or lives. If you are ever about to post a hurtful comment on someone’s page or just in a general conversation just think before you act. You really don’t know what others are struggling with. Think always think before you act in situations.

Sophia B.


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