Get in the Game…Save the Shoes- The little things count

A lot of people don’t realize that the things they do in life matter to people. Even if it is a little thing. latke things like holding a door , speaking to people, being kind , and even if its your family or a stranger. these things will make people smile. Just like in the video we watched ,the man getting the pair of shoes for the lady meant something to her and she wrote a thank you letter and that showed that he cared.

you should always be kind even if the people around you are not. Say if a new person came to your school and no one tried to be their friend or tried to talk them you should go over there and start a conversation. Ask them how their day is going and how do they like the school or you can also show them around  to their classes. Things like this can make a person feel happy or special and make them smile.

Next time you are out in public you should consider doing a random act of kindness to make someones day and make make you feel like a better person inside. Always try even if you are having a bad day ,just remember the little things count in life.

Deja W.M


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