Get in the Game…Save the Shoes- A Little Of kindness Can Have Effect

If the act of kindness goes unnoticed it does matter. I say that because if you give kindness, it could possibly effect other people to give it back. The world isn’t that kind but the people who live in earth make it better. It could help people feel better. Kindness can be shown by giving respectful words and doing good things for people. Kindness could become a habit for people. Someone being kind effects you.

Saying kind words could make someones day better. People could be having a bad day and just need some words to feel better. If someone doesn’t have a bad day it doesn’t hurt to say something kind. It could encourage others to do the same and share the kindness.  Even if it’s not many words to say it would hurt. The littlest things could mean a lot to some one. even one word could take it to make someone feel good.

Doing acts of kindness can be helpful and good to anyone. Just as simple as holding the doors open and or saying thanks you can teach someone to do the same once in awhile. Other people care about others well being can what people can do. It’s not a job but a task to check on someone and see how they’re doing. If you think you need to check on every person, you don’t have to because people seeing you care about them, they can start caring about others. The cycle will continues over and over again.

Destiny J

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