Get in the Game…Save the Shoes-Always Choose Kind

One day, I was finishing another school day. As I began to pack up my books, I realized that my water had spilled and water was all over my books and my other belongings. I obviously could not use my backpack and I missed my bus trying clean up the mess. As people began to leave, I noticed that my friends had stayed behind to help me clean up. My gratitude was overwhelming. Kindness is one of the strongest forces that is hard to be broken.

Even if the act that is performed is one of the smallest acts of kindness, it still matters. A small act of kindness can go farther than you ever expected. One thing could send a ripple effect down a line of people and that person who started the ripple may never know. However, that is okay! You don’t need to know what the person is doing but knowing that you started a strand of kindness can make you feel overjoyed. It could also make you feel  happy that the message you sent someone is getting out there in a positive way.

As a student, I see acts of kindness in the simplest ways. Whether it is holding the door for someone or buying someone lunch, the act did not have to be done. That person made the choice themself to be kind. “Be kind when it is possible. It is always possible” is a quote that really speaks to me. Whether we realize it or not, the chance to be kind is always right in front of us. So what can you do today that is kind? Complementing someone might make someone’s day and you may never know it. “When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind- Wonder”.

-Jack H

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