Love Letters and Strangers–The Letter Of Love

Many people suffer from a lot of negative things in their life, but you could change it all just with a pen, paper, and a heart. There could be an abundance of things you could  say to a person to help them resolve the negative things revolving around their world, but when you express your thoughts or pour your heart out on paper it’s different . It’s more effective and likely to get through to that person faster because it makes them feel important. Taking the time out of your day to write to a person, that is going through hard times show’s that you care and wish the best for them to get through it.  Being verbal about how you feel is not always the case  for some people sometimes you just have to take a paper and a pencil and write , write whatever you feel in your soul.

When you write, your words should be more expressive and easier to flow out especially when it is coming from a place of passion and strength. Writing love letters can give off a bunch of positivity such as hope, happiness, dreams, and inspiration. You don’t even know how much good a little paragraph would do for a person’s life It may change it forever. It doesn’t matter if you know the person or not it actually makes it better as a stranger because they have listened and took a worry of corcern on what has been badly surrounding your life. Even if the only thing you could think of is get better, or you have a nice smile that can make a day change drastically.

Our communication skills have gotten very poor if we go to look back on the pass when it came to tell how we feel. Life has gotten a little more sad for others, but happy for some and  for those who don’t get down by the little things, help others be happy too, share it all around. Write a letter , a letter to whoever, whenever and just ask them how was the day  to better someone’s morning, evening or, night as well as your own. Not even for the good karma or rewards just because u wanted to be helpful and show that you are, a true person at heart with compassion and love to give. The most beautiful letter to write I think is the one of love for yourself, and others.

-Yamirah N

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