Love Letters and Strangers–Lovely Letters

I really loved this video a lot. I think it is fantastic that Hannah Brencher is making these letters to eliminate her depression. It is so awesome that these letters that are being hidden at random places. People are finding these letters and they are making their day it is wonderful and it makes me so happy. If I found a random love letter I would be so happy, it would definitely make my day.

People usually don’t expect to find or receive letters. Our world is flooded by technology and we all communicate through texting most of the time. I think that people can appreciate letters more than text because they are less common nowadays. I love that there are still some people in this world not obsessed with technology. It is very cool how Hannah does this, it is really unique and kind.

These letters could change someone’s life and they have for some. Something as simple as a letter can change your life or somebody else. I think  I might write some letters and deploy them in my house tomorrow. Hopefully I make somebody happy because that would make me happy too. I would write letters to all of my family and friends.

Vincenzo B.

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