12 Lemons– Circling back Around

Responsibility is a very important trade I lack. It is so easy to just push something on to others and have them take the blame for it. However, do I circle back around and apologize for blaming it on someone else? Most of us do including myself say “it wasn’t me it was her,”  But do I come back around ever and say “it was me?” Responsibility is something that I need to improve and work on.

Some days when I come home from school and my parents ask me to do something that I don’t feel like doing, I pass it on to my sister to do. When I should have just done whatever I was asked. There are even some days when I feel pressured to say something and I give in and say it then blame it on someone else. I need to learn to take more responsibility for my actions and my words. It is even harder is owning up to it even when you thought it was okay.

Owning up too something I have done takes a lot out of me. Asking for the forgiveness from someone is one thing but, I always ask myself how am I going to recover and turn back around from this mistake. It’s very hard to ask for forgiveness especially if it is more than once and it is even harder giving it. Half of the battle is asking for the forgiveness even if I think I wasn’t wrong. Responsibility is something that I find important in life and something I should work on.

Natalie M.

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