Daily Archives: January 16, 2020

Can we change the world with kindness- always spread kindness

Not everyone is kind, many people need kindness in there life because everyone goes through things some people more then others and all it takes is a little kindness to cheer a person up. most people don’t show there pain but a lot of people go through things that you are not. Many people have … Continue reading Can we change the world with kindness- always spread kindness

Can we Change the World with Kindness?– Change your Actions Towards Others and Be Kind

Can you make the lives of others happier with kindness? I do feel like you can make others happier with an act of kindness. Small acts of kindness can have great effects on others. It can help someone who is going through hard times, or impact someone’s attitude. Showing acts of kindness doesn’t only benefit … Continue reading Can we Change the World with Kindness?– Change your Actions Towards Others and Be Kind

Can We Change the World with Kindness? – Acts of kindness!

Kindness can have a strong effect on someone’s life. Depending on how kind you are can change someone’s life. If you are not kind that could hurt someone’s feelings  and could make them not want  to come to school anymore because you was not nice to them. “You must expect great things of yourself before … Continue reading Can We Change the World with Kindness? – Acts of kindness!

Can We Change the World with Kindness?– Kindness is Key to A change

I can tell you right now, being kind can change a person’s perspective on life. If we were all to unite, we could change this world for the greater good. It does not have to be towards someone you know the best acts of any kindness are random. Anyone could do it, it’s about the … Continue reading Can We Change the World with Kindness?– Kindness is Key to A change

Can We Change The World With Kindness?……… A Simple Act Of Kindness Can Change The World

Many people think they can’t change the world. It may be because they say they are too young, too old, or they think how can one person make a difference. Making a difference in the world you don’t have to do something big. You can simply hold the door for someone doing that can have … Continue reading Can We Change The World With Kindness?……… A Simple Act Of Kindness Can Change The World