Daily Archives: January 14, 2020

Can We Change The World With Kindness We All Need Somebody To Lean On

As humans, we were all put on this earth together stuck on this crazy ride called life. So why not be kind and help each other. You don’t have to do something immense to help someone. A simple little act of kindness such as holding the door can help someone.  I try my best to … Continue reading Can We Change The World With Kindness We All Need Somebody To Lean On

Can We Change the World with Kindness?–Making the world a friendlier place

Can you make the lives of others happier with kindness? Yes I can make the lives of others happier form using kindness. I can change their mood with the act of kindness by doing little light tasks. A couple tasks I can to to make a person’s life happier are Hold doors open for them … Continue reading Can We Change the World with Kindness?–Making the world a friendlier place