The Story Goes on Forever – Live your life to the fullest

You are given one life. Once chance. One opportunity to live and have the best life you can. So many people take living in the moment for granted. They instead focus on what is going to happen next, or what happened in the past. So, I think what needs to be taken from this video clip is that you need to start living life to the fullest if you haven’t yet.

I have experienced first hand somebody’s life being taken at a young age. Two girls in my grade who were amazing people, had their life taken away from them way too soon. They were two of the most lively and vibrant people I knew. They truly knew what it was like to live life to the fullest. I think people need to really start living like they did.

Therefore, the important message of this video is to live life to the fullest. It is way too short to keep focusing on the past and future. Instead of doing that, just learn to live in the moment. Stop stressing and live while you’re here. So, now knowing what a short time we have on this earth, will you start living while you can?

Marissa G.

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